The AI Quadrupedal Robot Competition (HKSAR)
20 September 2024
This award aims to foster technological innovation and STEM education among primary school students in Hong Kong
The AI Quadrupedal Robot Competition 2024 (HKSAR) School Competition
Result Announcement - Primary Schools
Award | School | Team |
Gold | 青松侯寶垣小學 | P1014 |
Silver | 英皇書院同學會小學 | P1011 |
Bronze | 英皇書院同學會小學 | P1012 |
Result Announcement - Secondary Schools (Junior)
Award | School | Team |
Gold | 順德聯誼總會翁祐中學 | S053 |
Silver | 伊斯蘭脫維善紀念中學 Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College | S052 |
Bronze | 棉紡會中學 | S056 |
Result Announcement - Secondary Schools (Senior)
Award | School | Team |
Gold | 荃灣聖芳濟中學 | S054 |
Silver | 荃灣聖芳濟中學 | S055 |
Bronze | 伊斯蘭脫維善紀念中學 Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College | S051 |
一、簡介 Introduction
項目旨在為 1) 推動在大灣區新一代信息技術與各行業的廣泛應用和進一步融合,2) 以人工智能為基礎,與普教、職教相融通,3) 全面推動學、研、產相轉化,4) 培養青少年人工智能素養
The AI Quadrupedal Robot Competition (HKSAR), which is supported by the Innovation and Technology Commission, is organized by the Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association.
This award aims to 1) promote the wide application and further integration of new emerging information technology with various industries in the Greater Bay Area, 2) consolidate artificial intelligence as the foundation, integrate general and vocational education, 3) promote the transformation of learning, research, and production, and 4) cultivate young people's artificial intelligence literacy.
The competition is open to primary schools (P4 to P6), junior and senior secondary schools in Hong Kong.
With the development of science and technology, the application fields of robots are gradually expanding, and people's functional requirements for robots are also getting higher and higher. For robots, they can be divided into mobile robots and non-mobile robots. Mobile robots can be divided into wheeled robots, crawler robots, and footed robots. When a wheeled vehicle is traveling on relatively flat terrain, it has the characteristics of simple control and smooth and fast movement. However, when traveling on soft ground or rugged terrain, the moving efficiency of the wheels is greatly reduced, and it may even become impossible to move. Legged robots can work in unstructured and harsh environments. Since they can adapt to complex environments, quadruped robots have a wide range of application scenarios.
The first type is a means of transportation in the wild environment. Existing man-made land transportation tools are difficult to use, and most require traditional transportation methods such as human and animal power. Quadruped robots can move flexibly in complex outdoor environments and can bear large loads. Therefore, quadruped robots can be used as a potential transportation tool to help humans complete transportation tasks in the wild.
The second type is an investigative tool in dangerous environments. In hazardous environments, such as earthquake-stricken areas, many areas need to be explored but are difficult to reach manually. Quadrupeds have greater mobility than humans, so quadruped robots have the potential to help humans explore complex and dangerous unknown environments. Robots can be equipped with different sensors for different tasks. Quadruped robots can help find survivors during disaster area rescue.
The third type is a service-type quadruped robot. Quadruped robots can complete the behaviors of four-legged animals (such as cats, dogs, etc.), such as guiding the blind and serving as pets, but omit the essential behaviors of ordinary animals such as eating and sleeping, and do not require long-term human training. Therefore, quadruped robots can be used as potential service robots with advantages such as convenience and cleanliness compared with ordinary four-legged animals.
二、報名詳請 Application Details
開始申請日期: 2024年4月10日
截止日期: 2024年9月20日
培訓工作坊日期 : 2024年4月 至 2024年9月
評審日期 : 2024年10月6日(待定)
所選的小學承諾參加線上和實體培訓課程(共 12 小時)。這些課程將為小學生提供有價值的編程、機器人和人工智能知識。
今年獲獎的隊伍,將於獲本會提名參加 來屆大灣區四足機械人大賽。
Application Start Date: 10 April 2024 and End Date: 20 September 2024
Training Workshop: April 2024 - September 2024
Judging Date: 6 October 2024 (TBC)
Award Presentation Ceremony: 20 October 2024
The selected primary school commits to participate in both the online and physical training sessions (12 hours). These sessions will provide valuable programming, robotics, and AI knowledge to primary students.
- Online Briefing: 10/4/2024
- Online Training: 24/4/2024, 8/5/2024, 15/5/2024
- Competition Date: 6/10/2024
- Sponsorship: 15 schools on a first-come, first-served basis
Gold Prize: HK$5000 book voucher
Silver Prize: HK$3000 book voucher
Bronze Prize: HK$1000 book voucher
This year, the Association will nominate the winning team to participate in the next Greater Bay Area Quadruped Robot Competition.
小學申請 Primary schools Application:
中學申請 Secondary schools Application:
如有任何疑問,請致電 28696603 或電郵至info@hknetea.org與我們聯繫。
For any inquiries or further information, please contact us via 28696603 or by email at info@hknetea.org.

【前屆獲獎名單 Awarding List from Previous Years】
獎項 Awards | 獲獎成員 Awarding Memebers |
金獎 Gold | 施志偉 郭雨翹 梁梓溱 馬柏朗 |
金獎 Gold | 趙茵琪 關立偉 關伊淳 黃泓樂 |
銅獎 Bronze | 林炡言 蔡嘉燊 羅傲程 |
特別提名 Special Mention | 盧卓穎 蔣諾同 鍾卓穎 |
特別提名 Special Mention | 鄭宇傑 鄭雋銘 廖海駿 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 麥天翔 張梓銘 楊一賢 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 黃碧蕙 余佳穎 郭芏菻 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 曾子軒 賴文昇 趙日希 何偉傑 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 董穎縉 張權俊 馬天寶 馮竣揚 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 黎珈嘉 李雅琳 蕭曉嵐 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 梁道 羅柏臻 梁碩文 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 程熹 陳芷楠 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 伍家穎 羅永軒 何建融 謝鎮徽 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 池傲彥 鄺棨浚 林昆孝 劉鎧菱 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 傅佳美 張彤熙 張珀鋒 陳智城 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 李宏立 盧立言 金卓喬 吳天逸 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 莫棨粦 陳俊熙 周浚軒 |
獎項 Awards | 獲獎成員 Awarding Memebers |
金獎 Gold | 朱緯恒 關晉軒 |
銀獎 Silver | 梁諾郗 劉穎瞳 鄭貝嵐 陳晉宇 |
銅獎 Bronze | 鄧文熙 王泓驃 鄺逸恒 |
特別提名 Special Mention | 鄧梓豪 鄭博禧 郭宇軒 蔡桂彬 |
特別提名 Special Mention | 鄧焯曦 曾昭朗 劉梓樂 柯俊宇 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 伍鍵熹 冼俊豐 王卓朗 楊涴婷 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 盧卓思 朱曉澄 岑瑋晴 劉卓婷 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 周彬彬 駱蓉蓉 吳澤城 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 黃楚軒 陳大銘 趙諾軒 鄧承璋 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 陳怡豪 曾憲昇 葉文聰 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 王景恒 溫梓軒 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 何晧霖 郭丞東 賴程浩 林暐翀 |
The AI Quadrupedal Robot Competition 2024 (HKSAR) School Competition
Result Announcement - Primary Schools
Award | School | Team |
Gold | 青松侯寶垣小學 | P1014 |
Silver | 英皇書院同學會小學 | P1011 |
Bronze | 英皇書院同學會小學 | P1012 |
Result Announcement - Secondary Schools (Junior)
Award | School | Team |
Gold | 順德聯誼總會翁祐中學 | S053 |
Silver | 伊斯蘭脫維善紀念中學 Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College | S052 |
Bronze | 棉紡會中學 | S056 |
Result Announcement - Secondary Schools (Senior)
Award | School | Team |
Gold | 荃灣聖芳濟中學 | S054 |
Silver | 荃灣聖芳濟中學 | S055 |
Bronze | 伊斯蘭脫維善紀念中學 Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College | S051 |
一、簡介 Introduction
全港創新AI四足仿生機械人比賽由香港新興科技教育協會主辦,並獲得創新科技署資 助。
項目旨在為 1) 推動在大灣區新一代信息技術與各行業的廣泛應用和進一步融合,2) 以人工智能為基礎,與普教、職教相融通,3) 全面推動學、研、產相轉化,4) 培養青少年人工智能素養
The AI Quadrupedal Robot Competition (HKSAR), which is supported by the Innovation and Technology Commission, is organized by the Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association.
This award aims to 1) promote the wide application and further integration of new emerging information technology with various industries in the Greater Bay Area, 2) consolidate artificial intelligence as the foundation, integrate general and vocational education, 3) promote the transformation of learning, research, and production, and 4) cultivate young people's artificial intelligence literacy.
The competition is open to primary schools (P4 to P6), junior and senior secondary schools in Hong Kong.
第三種為服務型四足機械人。四足機械人可以完成四足動物(如貓、狗等)的行為,如導盲和作為寵物等,卻省去了吃飯睡覺等普通動物必不可少 的行為,並且無需長時間的人為訓練。因此四足機械人可以作為潛在的服務型機械人,相比於普通的四足動物有着方便、潔淨等優勢。
With the development of science and technology, the application fields of robots are gradually expanding, and people's functional requirements for robots are also getting higher and higher. For robots, they can be divided into mobile robots and non-mobile robots. Mobile robots can be divided into wheeled robots, crawler robots, and footed robots. When a wheeled vehicle is traveling on relatively flat terrain, it has the characteristics of simple control and smooth and fast movement. However, when traveling on soft ground or rugged terrain, the moving efficiency of the wheels is greatly reduced, and it may even become impossible to move. Legged robots can work in unstructured and harsh environments. Since they can adapt to complex environments, quadruped robots have a wide range of application scenarios.
The first type is a means of transportation in the wild environment. Existing man-made land transportation tools are difficult to use, and most require traditional transportation methods such as human and animal power. Quadruped robots can move flexibly in complex outdoor environments and can bear large loads. Therefore, quadruped robots can be used as a potential transportation tool to help humans complete transportation tasks in the wild.
The second type is an investigative tool in dangerous environments. In hazardous environments, such as earthquake-stricken areas, many areas need to be explored but are difficult to reach manually. Quadrupeds have greater mobility than humans, so quadruped robots have the potential to help humans explore complex and dangerous unknown environments. Robots can be equipped with different sensors for different tasks. Quadruped robots can help find survivors during disaster area rescue.
The third type is a service-type quadruped robot. Quadruped robots can complete the behaviors of four-legged animals (such as cats, dogs, etc.), such as guiding the blind and serving as pets, but omit the essential behaviors of ordinary animals such as eating and sleeping, and do not require long-term human training. Therefore, quadruped robots can be used as potential service robots with advantages such as convenience and cleanliness compared with ordinary four-legged animals.
二、報名詳請 Application Details
開始申請日期: 2024年4月10日
截止日期: 2024年9月20日
培訓工作坊日期 : 2024年4月 至 2024年9月
評審日期 : 2024年10月6日(待定)
所選的小學承諾參加線上和實體培訓課程(共 12 小時)。這些課程將為小學生提供有價值的編程、機器人和人工智能知識。
今年獲獎的隊伍,將於獲本會提名參加 來屆大灣區四足機械人大賽。
Application Start Date: 10 April 2024 and End Date: 20 September 2024
Training Workshop: April 2024 - September 2024
Judging Date: 6 October 2024 (TBC)
Award Presentation Ceremony: 20 October 2024
The selected primary school commits to participate in both the online and physical training sessions (12 hours). These sessions will provide valuable programming, robotics, and AI knowledge to primary students.
- Online Briefing: 10/4/2024
- Online Training: 24/4/2024, 8/5/2024, 15/5/2024
- Competition Date: 6/10/2024
- Sponsorship: 15 schools on a first-come, first-served basis
Gold Prize: HK$5000 book voucher
Silver Prize: HK$3000 book voucher
Bronze Prize: HK$1000 book voucher
This year, the Association will nominate the winning team to participate in the next Greater Bay Area Quadruped Robot Competition.
小學申請 Primary schools Application:
中學申請 Secondary schools Application:
如有任何疑問,請致電 28696603 或電郵至info@hknetea.org與我們聯繫。
For any inquiries or further information, please contact us via 28696603 or by email at info@hknetea.org.

【前屆獲獎名單 Awarding List from Previous Years】
獎項 Awards | 獲獎成員 Awarding Memebers |
金獎 Gold | 施志偉 郭雨翹 梁梓溱 馬柏朗 |
金獎 Gold | 趙茵琪 關立偉 關伊淳 黃泓樂 |
銅獎 Bronze | 林炡言 蔡嘉燊 羅傲程 |
特別提名 Special Mention | 盧卓穎 蔣諾同 鍾卓穎 |
特別提名 Special Mention | 鄭宇傑 鄭雋銘 廖海駿 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 麥天翔 張梓銘 楊一賢 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 黃碧蕙 余佳穎 郭芏菻 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 曾子軒 賴文昇 趙日希 何偉傑 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 董穎縉 張權俊 馬天寶 馮竣揚 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 黎珈嘉 李雅琳 蕭曉嵐 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 梁道 羅柏臻 梁碩文 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 程熹 陳芷楠 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 伍家穎 羅永軒 何建融 謝鎮徽 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 池傲彥 鄺棨浚 林昆孝 劉鎧菱 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 傅佳美 張彤熙 張珀鋒 陳智城 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 李宏立 盧立言 金卓喬 吳天逸 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 莫棨粦 陳俊熙 周浚軒 |
獎項 Awards | 獲獎成員 Awarding Memebers |
金獎 Gold | 朱緯恒 關晉軒 |
銀獎 Silver | 梁諾郗 劉穎瞳 鄭貝嵐 陳晉宇 |
銅獎 Bronze | 鄧文熙 王泓驃 鄺逸恒 |
特別提名 Special Mention | 鄧梓豪 鄭博禧 郭宇軒 蔡桂彬 |
特別提名 Special Mention | 鄧焯曦 曾昭朗 劉梓樂 柯俊宇 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 伍鍵熹 冼俊豐 王卓朗 楊涴婷 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 盧卓思 朱曉澄 岑瑋晴 劉卓婷 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 周彬彬 駱蓉蓉 吳澤城 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 黃楚軒 陳大銘 趙諾軒 鄧承璋 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 陳怡豪 曾憲昇 葉文聰 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 王景恒 溫梓軒 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | 何晧霖 郭丞東 賴程浩 林暐翀 |